Meanwhile, I'm still a babbling fool. I think my Swiss German is about to exceed my English. I like calling out "BUSES!" when we're driving down the street when I see actual buses, garbage trucks, or diesels. I also yell "NO!" quite a bit. My mom tries to teach me "No, thank you" but that doesn't quite fit into my vocabulary yet. (wink, wink) My mom also keeps saying she needs to write down the new words I'm learning, but that's going about as well as my dad buying a new camera. End of story. ;)
Have a good month and we'll work on getting some more pictures or video soon.
That's me at 5 months old fascinated that I can reach my toes.
That's me at almost 17 months old doing some yoga at the local botanical garden. Only kidding! I was just sitting at an awkward angle.
P.S. This month is my Grossi's birthday. Happy Birthday, Grossi!