Despite the June Gloom here, we're keeping busy and taking advantage of any sunny weather. My parents keep me busy during the day so we all have a peaceful night.
My vocabulary continues to get bigger. I am using more two-word sentences these days. Some of my favorites are: "BIG Truck!, Love you, and Thank you." I say many more Swiss German words thanks to my dad's encouragement and patience in enunciating things for me. When I talk to Grandma Laura, she tries to teach me some Navajo words, too. Those are a little harder to say, but the ones I know I am good at are "Gah-gi" and "Doh-dah."
Well, I hope you are well and enjoy checking out some of the shenanigans I've been up to lately. Take care.
P.S. Happy Birthday to my mom, and my uncles Beau & Wes this month . Love you!
Taking a swig of some water after playing hard at the local park.
I love it when we Skype with my Gotti or my Grandparents in Switzerland.
Went to check out a soccer class and I was off to take a break with the ladies.
My buddy and I checking out the gorillas at the zoo. They are sooo big!
I take my coloring very seriously.
When people say "You have big shoes to fill" they aren't joking around.