I was also lucky to be able to steal my Grandma Laura for awhile longer from my cousins in New Mexico. She stayed another week and we had fun picking on each other and learning new words together. I taught her some Swiss German and she taught me some Navajo words. I learned how to call my mom "mom" in Navajo. It is "Shima." You should have seen my mom's smile when I called her this for the first time. She tried to teach me herself, but it took Grandma's touch to have me say it so easily.
Overall, it's been a month of driving here and there. We visited lots of friends so my mom and grandma could catch up and see how everyone's doing. From the south bay up to Santa Ynez we also made sure to stop for some playing and eating--two of my favorite things!
My parents are pretty shocked at some of the things I'm learning. It's mostly that I'm able to put into words things I've been thinking for a long time already. I describe a lot of things like, "Big truck going backwards....beep, beep, beep." I also surprised my mom by asking, "Are you okay?" while touching her arm. I like babies and anything small I refer to as a baby. For instance, I see a small car on the street, I yell "Baby car!" If I see a small plane, I call it a "Baby plane." Well, you get the idea...
P.S. Happy Birthday to my Godfather Harley and my cousin Tisha.
That's me and my favorite truck having a good time.
Playing away in the ball pit at a friend's birthday party.
Our view of Half Dome in Yosemite while waiting for daddy, my cousin, and my uncles to finish their hike. Not bad, huh?
After all that driving and visiting, sometimes you need a good ol' nap!