I'm also learning about the sun rising and setting. I seem to get it backwards when I try to show my mom with my hands that the sun is coming up, but it's actually going down and getting dark. All I know is when it's time to go to sleep my mom won't give me milk again until the sun comes up. Sometimes that seems like an eternity.
Guess what?! My dad had his birthday earlier this month! I have been going to birthday parties of some of my buddies and started to learn how to sing the "Happy Birthday to you.." song. I tried to sing "Happy Birthday, Daddy" a lot this month. My mom and dad also tell me that coming up will be my birthday. I'm going to be two years old. I guess those are some other things that we've been excited about at home, too.
My parents have been excited that we haven't had to drive anywhere too far lately. Just wait till they get antsy and we're on some 12 hour-plus drive to who-knows-where! I figure as long as they bring my "Wiggles" CD then I'll be okay. So, this months pics will show me on the local scene--at home. :)
I'm saying more sentences and asking more questions like: "What is that?" or "What happened?" Then there's my favorite question, "Watch planes with daddy?" I can also offer compliments provided you have a t-shirt on that I like. Just the other day I told my mom, "Nice shirt." I also surprised my mom by calling her "Shima." Which is "mom" in Navajo. I made her giggle when I altered it and called her "Shimama." I'm still working on dad--that one is a little harder to say so I'll stick with "dad" for now.
Happy September to you and Happy Birthday to my dad, Kara, and Kyra. Love you!
My 23 months old pic.
I found this flower in the back yard and offered it to mommy.
My favorite day of the week is Tuesday since I get to watch the trash trucks come and go.
Sporting a new hat like the train engineers.