Second, Happy Birthday,Guetti Harley!
Third, Happy Birthday, Tisha!
Now, I hope you are having a good month. Our summer has been on the cool side weather-wise, but now it seems to be playing catch-up and we're having some really warm days. I don't mind though. You know why? Because, on really hot afternoons my mom doesn't want to cook and we get to sit on the front porch and eat cold cereal for dinner. I think that's one of my favorite things because we sit outside and I can yell, "Hello!" to people walking by, or comment on cars & trucks driving by, too.
Our August got started off on a cool note as we went to Seattle to attend a wedding. It was so much fun. I was so excited to ride in the airplane, on a light rail, a bus and even a ferry. There were so many interesting things to see and the people were so, so nice. Thanks, Seattle!
These days I am a big sponge absorbing whatever information I can on trains, planes, dinosaurs and, more recently, rockets and space shuttles. I ask to go to the library often as I can borrow 1 DVD of my choice, and as many books as my mom is willing to carry. There's so much to learn and I try to explain what I learn at the end of the day to my dad. Sometimes he looks at my mom as if to say, "What's this kid on anyway, he hasn't stopped talking since I walked in and he's so excited I can't understand half of what he's telling me?!" Mom just smiles as if to say, "Welcome to my world," and then she tells him what I've been saying.
I'm learning more Swiss German as well but forget to answer my dad in Swiss German, but rather revert to English. Sometimes I get all the languages confused and often ask my mom, "Is this Spanish?" She finds this interesting.
I'm also quite busy learning about being a big brother as well. I learned when my sister cries that you can get her to quiet down sometimes by talking really softly to her and asking her questions like, "Awww, what's wrong with the baby?" I really want to pick her up and hold her like my parents do, but I think she's almost half my weight by now and that's a bit too heavy for me to carry easily. I guess I just have to get bigger.
Taking in the scenery from the light rail.
Enjoying the sunset & view with daddy.
Mapping out where to go next...
At Aiki Beach loving the water and all the rocks I can throw...
Quick check-up on my baby tiger.