Hi! Here we are with March, April, AND May already in the rear view mirror! Thankfully all our items are dated. Yes, I see...I remember now. As I review our photos I remember the fun we had. Here's what I was up to with the family...
Earlier on in March, we went on a quick road trip down towards San Diego. We found a nice beach and explored some more beaches where we got to see some sea lions up close. I love being in the water and had fun exploring. March was also a time where I was trying to do some important work around the house, so you could find me working on my keyboard/mouse and in the kitchen with papi.

Beach time!

Checking out the little critters in the water with papi and Lily.

Working hard on my projects. I work on a variety of things--with Bob the Builder, on rockets, new recipes. Yeah, I like to work.

Adding some essence to our side dish. "Bam!"
For Easter, we went to see some friends up north. Then, for my buddies locally, mom and I made Goldfish Carrots. After a big meal on Easter, we went out to the golf range and hit some golf balls. It's harder than it looks and we worked up a big sweat. Not long after that we hit the road again to New Mexico to celebrate a couple of big events--my little sister's first laugh & birthday party, and my Grandma Laura's birthday, too.

Goldfish Carrots! Yum.

Focus, Alex. Focus.

My favorite pass time when we get gas on a trip is spreading water streaks on every car window!
May had us home just chilling out. I did have a busy time at school making things for Mother's Day and celebrating mom's everywhere. I hope you had a good Mother's Day and did something good for the mommy in your life. This month was also the actual month of my sister turning 1. So many people were generous enough to worry that I would feel left out, I even got presents, too! How cool is that?!


For mother's day, here's one of my gifts. My mom was so excited she took a bit of a blurry picture. I like to think she was shaking with excitement. :)

My drawing of my mom for her big day.

That's me opening my own present on my sister's birthday. What luck!