Thursday, February 28, 2013

January-February 2013

Everyday I keep asking if I am 5 years old yet. For some reason I can't wait. My mom got smart and finally had me memorize my actual birthday, so now I can't ask as frequently.  Besides my Pre-K school program, I have a lot to learn yet. There seem to be so many numbers we have to memorize in addition to using them for math. I am trying to learn our phone number, and of course, every person these days has more than one easily. All I know is there's a "3" in there somewhere. Then there's the street address--forget about the other number I'll need for getting a job. My dad wants me to learn that one quick so I can begin to pay rent. What is rent? Yeah, another number to remember.
I am enjoying being a big brother--I help as often as I can to get my sister up and down stairs or her bed. Mom gets a bit worried, she says I handle Lily like I am a steer wrestler ready to make good time. I think that means I have to grab her less around the head with my elbow holding tight.
I am enjoying school tremendously. I have great teachers, friends, and I am learning a new letter a week. This week we've been working on "H." I'm getting good at cutting with scissors--hide your daughters' long hair from me! Just kidding.
Outside of school, I am lucky to have regular dates where I play with friends, and am even learning about soccer. Did you know it's the most popular sport in the world? Our coach Tony teaches us cool facts like that. I love that kind of information.

I'm 4 but I'll always need my Mommy.

Learning about soccer.

Measuring stuff is fun.

Dressed up for a b-day party in my Swissy Shirt.

Hung out watching trains during a birthday party. Good times.

Piecing together a dinosaur is hard work!

Checking out the tidepools before I fell in--oh, three times. :)