Boy, we've been busy with visitors and heading out onto the open road ourselves! In fact, after my grandparents and auntie left back to Switzerland, we got into the car and mom and I went to New Mexico to spend time with grandma Laura. I even got to spend some time with my cousins, uncles and aunties. You can see my cousin, Winni, reading to me and showing me pictures. She took really good care of me and always had my diapers and wipes ready for my mom. She's a maternal little girl already. She hasn't even started preschool!
I STILL don't like my car seat, but it's getting easier to take longer drives with me. See, sometimes I can even muster a smile. :)
I love to kick and when I'm in my bouncer, you should see me rockin! Rolling is fun as well, though, I prefer just to roll on my side to nurse for now. I'm able to grab things by making a bug hugging motion, and I test the durability of whatever it is by putting it in my mouth.

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