Saturday, October 31, 2009

Halloween Time Baby! 2009

Happy Halloween! It seems like we've been celebrating all week, and I've enjoyed it! My mom's friend said she had a costume for us and we were all excited to see that it was a lion. I've been practicing and can sometimes muster a lion roar, too. I think my favorite part of the costume are the paws. The hood gets a little annoying and old pretty fast but those paws are sooo cool.

On Halloween night we went Trick or Treating as a family. My parents were dressed as "Sleep-deprived Parents." It was a lot of fun checking out the neighborhood and seeing other kids dressed up, too.

Getting ready for the first party and telling my mom, "Put 'em up, mama, put 'em up!"

Checking out my pride in music class.

Notice how I stealthily move as I go in for some other kid's bell.

Bestill my eyes, what is THAT in my bag?

Taking a closer look.

Woo hoo--checking out my loot!

Trick or Treating with my Newbie, Sleep-deprived parents.

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