It was all names, names and more names after that. Now, when I'm very curious to see who is who and learn names, I might ask, "What's that's names?" If I do this to you, please don't be offended--I'm still learning the difference between "Who is that?" and "What is that?"
Prior to that, we had our share of celebrations with friends locally and with the Swiss Club up north. I learned about the Samichlaus and was so scared when he called my name. Here's this big man in a red suit, who I've never seen before, and he knows my name! He told me of some nice things I did this year and then he gave me a small gunny sack full of nuts and fruit. That part was nice, but the rest was a bit too much and I had a good cry.
I think some of my favorite things were getting a real tree for Christmas and lighting it every morning. If my parents forgot, I was sure to remind them. It was also fun to bake lots and lots of cookies for our friends and family. Next year I'll try to help more and not eat as much. I also learned a bit about Advent as I received a calendar and got to open little goodies. That was a lot of fun--thanks Grossi & Opa! Then, of course, there were the actual presents. Thank you family for thinking of me and for the great gifts. I am insisting on carrying them with me in the car, to bed, and have them all over the living room, too. :)
I learned so much in 2010. Thank you. A'hee'hee. Merci.
That's me in front of our tree.
That's my gift from Samiclaus.
Wrapping presents is fun!
Isn't it also great to know someone thought of you and to open the present you received?