This month, I turned 2 years old. It's been such a blast because my friends also have been turning 2. This means we've been attending each others' parties and singing "Happy Birthday to you..." over and over and over again! I think I'll finally know all the lyrics correctly by the time this last birthday party is done.
October is also when my Chei Harrison, passed away. My mom tells me stories about him and plays games with me like the ones he played with her and with my cousins. One of them is a "Spider" game. He used his fingers to imitate a spider crawling innocently along, and when you least expected it, he would pounce the spider on you and tickle you. I like this game so much that I ask for it by name and say, "Mommy? Spider?" and I motion my hands like I imagine my chei used to do.
It's October, so it's also Halloween. My mom found a good costume for me despite it not being her first choice. As a back up, I think it was the better outfit for me. My parents got into the spirit of Halloween towards the end of the evening when they whipped together their costumes within an hour.
Wow, so now that I'm 2, what can I tell you? I definitely can speak way more words than I could a year ago. I'm still learning Swiss German from my daddy and I speak solely with him in Swiss German--it just doesn't work when I try to with my mom. Sorry, mom. I can tell my my first name and last name, as well as the first and last names of my parents. I sometimes can tell you where my uncles, Gotti, and grandparents live. I say, "Switzasand" instead of "Switzerland." You get what I'm saying though--it's a long word. Overall, I'm learning so much. When I get excited, I yell, and when we're in the car, this doesn't go over so well with my parents. I can't help it, I just get so excited and have to point out what I see and make sure to ask if you see it, too.
Okay, that's enough. Please enjoy the pictures...
That's me about to freak out when my parents tell me they have something important to tell me.
That's me all relieved when they tell me it's my birthday and I get to have a piece of cake, too!
Daddy made my birthday cake--it's a Swiss Carrot Cake.
I love books and got a great big one from my Gotti Monika for my birthday. Thanks, Gotti!!!
As it was my birthday, I could pretty much choose what I wanted to do, so I asked my mom if we could watch planes land and take off at LAX.
Mom took me on another day to watch this particular plane land at LAX. It's Air Force One.
Time for the Halloween Parties! That's me, Thomas the Tank Engineer.
Nearby where we live they had a street party and all the store vendors gave out candy. We saw this guy hanging out and I was all cozy next to him saying, "Cheese!" Then, from out of no where, I heard someone say "Candy, come this way." As you can tell, I got distracted for a bit.
That's me in my costume and my parents' in theirs. My mom is the Publishers Clearing House Winner and my dad is the Prize Patrol.

My chei Harrison with one of my cousins. Miss you.
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