It's a lot of work being a big brother--there's lots to be aware of when you have a baby in the house. For example, you should try not to poke the baby's eyes because they will need them to see. Another thing I've learned is babies don't like it when you jump on the floor right near them when they sleep.
I was very excited to become a big brother and when my sister, Lily, came it took awhile for me to really believe I had a sister and not a little brother. My parents chose to wait to see what they were having, so my dad said I had a 50-50 chance of guessing correctly. It also took me awhile to call her by her name and not our cousin's name who was born a month earlier. By now, though, I think I've gotten it all down.
Prior to her arrival, we had some good adventures. I'll tell you about them when you see the pictures. Meanwhile, I hope you are enjoying your summer. I am!
That's me enjoying the view of the "zeppelin" nearby. I got a cool eraser from the Goodyear folks when we visited.
I finally got to meet my new sibling and see where mom and dad were hiding out while I entertained our guests at home.
Dad and I still keep our special time together. Here I am enjoying some flights coming into the local airport. I have to be careful of my ears because they are loud, so I plug them when a big plane takes off or lands.
Checking to make sure she's still there and not playing when she should be napping.
Helping dad put a chair together--I love using tools.
Got all my beach gear out to play with the sand but am "working" on the lawn in the backyard.
Another hard day of "work" in the backyard. Dirt + Sweat = Bath time for Alex
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