Other cool things taking place this month are lots of birthdays:
Happy Birthday, Daddy!
Happy Birthday, KJ!
Happy Birthday, Kara!
We had a good time celebrating my dad's birthday. We had yummy chocolate cake and sang to him every time we had a slice. I think he was touched by my singing to him, but maybe a little embarrassed, too. Either way, I had fun and plan to sing that birthday song a lot more.
That reminds me--we're also starting the "Big 3" birthday party celebrations. My play buddies and myself are all about to turn 3, so we've been busy looking our calendar and it's filling up with parties!
As the month has progressed, we started to have cooler days, so for the remaining warm ones, we took full advantage and got out the water toys. I managed to have lots of fun in the water, and in the mud. I believe my mom quoted me as saying, "Mom, mud makes me happy." She tried to look happy for me, but I could see the worry in her eyes.
I'm also doing better with my sister. I even try to help read some of my favorite books to her while mom and dad do things like make breakfast or dinner. I still get a little excited and scream or yell songs, and of course, it still startles her. When will she learn I just can't control my excitement sometimes?!
Anyway, I hope you have a good rest of the month. Take care!
That's me all ready for my first day of preschool.
That's me telling my mom to frame my first official piece of preschool art work. (She will, too!)
Keeping my sister distracted and teaching her about trucks while mom and dad make breakfast.
Playing outside on a beautiful summer-like day in the water...and mud.
Enjoying time with my new whale of a friend in the jumping house.
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